Dormir detrás de una catarata: una aventura inolvidable en la Catarata Diamante
Perez Zeledón, San José Costa Rica Es una de esas experiencias que se quedan en el recuerdo para toda la vida. Tuve la suerte de compartirla con mis hermanos y ya est
JMJ Lisboa 2023: reflexiones de mi experiencia
Cientos de miles de jóvenes se reúnen en la JMJ cada cuatro años para celebrar, juntos su fe. Este evento, que fue iniciado por San Juan Pablo II, deja huellas imborrables y se
Costa Brava: Perfect Guide for a Quick Getaway
I f you're pressed for time but want to experience the essence of Costa Brava, this guide is tailored for you. From picturesque villages to serene beaches, here are my top rec
Why I Recommend Student Housing for Exchange Students
Deciding to move halfway across the world for my exchange semester in Australia was a big decision, and figuring out where to live was one of the hardest parts. In the end, budget
Exploring the Magic of Milford Sound
A While many come to New Zealand captivated by its expansive landscapes, Milford Sound offers an enchantment all its own. Deep within the Fiordland National Park, Milford Sound is